Continuing Medical Education (CME) courses have been started about ten years ago with the accreditation of the Institute as CME credits provider.
The new organizational context within which educational courses move along and develop confirms the basic principle that education is a key-element for quality assurance of services provided to patients. The introduction of annual planning, monitoring and checking of results strengthen the concept that education cannot be an isolated and discontinued event, independent from healthcare activities, but it has rather to be strictly connected to corporate objectives, since it’s an instrument in itself to attain those objectives.
Another ambitious goal of education is the induction of cultural change. Education has to become systemic, the learning processes need to become collective and multidisciplinary and aimed at a balanced grow of all professional levels.
Following the accreditation as provisional CME provider, Oasi Institute has now a new challenge: consistently with its principles, all the initiatives in the field of treatment, care and education have to be person-oriented.
This means that Oasi Institute perfectly fulfils its institutional mandate, as a Research Centre for Treatment and Care (law 288/03, Italian Ministry of Health), as well as Accredited Educational Centre (Regional Council for Family and Social Policies) for professional health staff and School staff in the regional area.