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Versione Italiana English Version

Oasi Institute highly-specialized healthcare services are addressed to people with intellectual disabilities, brain aging and comorbid diseases. Oasi approach is person-oriented, that means humanization of medicine and individualized habilitation and re-habilitation protocols, which go beyond the specific disease and include patient’s family as well.

Highly-skilled and qualified health staff as well as a complex corporate organization guarantee everybody a veritable “hospitality” which reflects the loving and supportive care combined with the best diagnostic and rehabilitation protocols offered by the empirical and clinical research.

Outpatients healthcare services are also provided at regional level according to the Regional Health Plan, to ensure the essential levels of assistance (LEA), health promotion, and reduction of specific risk factors.


Associazione Oasi Maria SS. Onlus D.P.R. 471 DEL 24-06-1974
Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico per lo studio del Ritardo Mentale e dell’Involuzione Cerebrale
(Decreti Interministeriali del 9-2-1988, dell’8-2-1993 e del Ministero della Salute del 5-9-2006)

Via Conte Ruggero 73 - 94018 TROINA (EN)
Phone. +39 0935-936111 - Fax: +39 0935-653327

