... Everybody is somebody to be loved!
It’s not a mere catchphrase: it’s the founding principle of Oasi Institute, a highly-specialized hospital facility located in the heart of Sicily. Over the years, Oasi has not been chasing profits or wealth, but rather the fulfillment of the human beings, with the most fragile portion of society being in the spotlight. Oasi has always been promoting a new social and medical “culture” which is intended to engender solidarity.
Website: www.padreferlauto.it
The “Open City” is a multi-dimensional concept referring to the horizon against which Oasi has ascribed its projects and activities, and even its own identity. All services are provided “in the name of” and “on behalf of” the human beings, in view of developing a novel, free and reconciled world, where everybody’s destiny is strictly connected to the fulfillment of the others.
Website: www.oasi.en.it
Associazione Oasi Maria SS. Onlus D.P.R. 471 DEL 24-06-1974
Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico per lo studio del Ritardo Mentale e dell’Involuzione Cerebrale
(Decreti Interministeriali del 9-2-1988, dell’8-2-1993 e del Ministero della Salute del 5-9-2006)
Via Conte Ruggero 73 - 94018 TROINA (EN)
Phone. +39 0935-936111 - Fax: +39 0935-653327
E-mail: info@oasi.en.it